Thursday, January 14, 2010

still maturing

Oh and just another quick update: my peri's just came in and I had been wondering (as have a few of my family and friends) if just keeping LB inside of me is beneficial if he isnt growing (you everyone says well everyday he stays in you is for his benefit) well I wasnt quite sure that was accurate if he wasnt GROWING inside of me (how beneficial can that be?) but my peri said even if he isnt gaining weight inside of me development and maturity can still be happening--he said we REALLY want to try to keep him in you for as long as possible FOR that maturity to happen...I also asked--what if he isnt quite at 1000grams on tues--like what if he 975 grams will they still want to induce? He said that they said 1000 grams because they are looking for 100 grams a week in weight gain (which is on the low side of normal weight gain for babies at this gestational age) SO if he was close they would still want to keep him in... I also asked what my chances were of going HOME on bedrest if the baby was 1000grams he basically said it depends on how much he has gained--if he has gained a decent amount then I might be able to go home (since he consistently has done well on the NST and during my u/s to check on fluid and flow) granted even at home I would still be required to stay in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom, but I MIGHT be able to go home...I thought of a few of you (you know who you are) would be interested in these answers :-)


  1. I'll buy a premie outfit tomorrow. We've found thier often helpful even if LB starts gaining like crazy and comes out a 7 pounder!

  2. Hi. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and LB. Just before Christmas, I too was diagnosed with IUGR with our lil girl. I'm currently just over 26 weeks pregnant and going to specialist appointments and ultrasounds every 2 weeks. So far, so good, although she is teeny tiny, as is my belly.
    I think about you often and wonder how you're doing and pray everything works out for you and your family.

