Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the REAL results

This is my 12 weeks-(profile)
This is 20wks-(a foot)
This is 24 wks- my creepy little aliens face :-)
(confused? tilt your head to the left the dark circles are eyes)

24 weeks- (spine & ribs)

26 weeks- (profile of face)

26 weeks-(another profile of face)

Me @ 26 weeks 6 days
* I thought since I always post about my numerous ultrasounds it would be fun to post a few of the ultrasound pics. Little buddy is always super active so its hard to get many good pictures but these are a few of the better ones I have so far.
**Update from my last post**
So we just got back from my doctors appointment to go over my ultrasound results....and they were good! yay! So the overall information was that while little buddy is small he is still growing. He is on a consistent upward growth trend that while in a small percentile is still not technically small enough to be considered IUGR / growth restricted (I am AT RISK for iugr but not diagnosed iugr). So for the time being I am going to just be closely monitored for the duration of my pregnancy--bi-weekly appointments and bi-weekly ultrasounds (possibly weekly depending on how his growth progresses) They will be monitoring the umbilical flow which basically shows how the placenta is passing nutrition to the baby and they will be monitoring his growth.

The best news is: as long as he stays on the current growth trend he is on (and doesnt drop any lower) I wont have to go on bedrest!! Yay!! As for the current situation they just want me to continue to take it easy, dont push myself, if I feel crampy or tired or anything I need to stop what I am doing, drink water and rest! If for some reason he does drop lower that will mean bedrest and if (worst case scenario) his growth stops than we will be discussing different delivery options, etc. but the midwives feel confident that it wont come to that and that little buddy will stay put for at least another 10 weeks (I am 27 weeks now) and that he will be born healthy and just a tiny little peanut!

PRAISE GOD FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS! This is the best christmas present ever!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

26 weeks and quick ultrasound update

So I dont have a ton of new info but I figured I would update and let some family know ( who I know are wondering) how the ultrasound went yesterday. My good friend Kerry went with me because Donnie was only able to take some time off once this week (his company always gets super busy right before the holidays because of people having guests and wanting everything to work lol) so we decided it would be best for him to take time off to come to my appt on Wed. where we will be discussing my ultrasound results in detail and what that will mean for the rest of my pregnancy

So my good friend Kerry came with me, the ultrasound went well. Little buddy finally gave us a few cute profile shots and he wasnt as active as normal so we were able to see more detail (I think he is sleepy in the morning just like his mommy haha) All the main organs and everything looked fine (same as before) and when looking at his growth he HAS grown since my last ultrasound two weeks ago but he is still behind meaning his belly measurements are still almost a full month behind where they should be, his arms/legs are still about 2 weeks behind and his head is only a few days behind (same as before) but he has grown! Obviously the largest concern before this ultrasound was that I would go and he would measure the same as two weeks ago but he is still growing at a consistent rate but hes just behind where he should be (specifically in his abdominal measurements which are in less than the third percentile which clearly isnt good)

The u/s tech was really nice, it ended up that her daughter used to work w/ Kerry as a nurse at Children's AND even weirder I had heard about her daughter from Kerry because her daughter was pregnant the same time Kerry was but had really bad hyperemesis! And her daughter lives in Campbell County too--such a small world. So we talked w/ the tech for a few minutes, she totally understood my experience w/ hyperemesis since her daughter too had the zofran pump, IV fluids, etc.

Since we kinda knew the tech she was more chatty about the results of my u/s which was nice. She said he is still in the same percentile of growth despite him growing from the past two weeks. So essentially there is still an upward curve of growth at a consistent rate but I am still going to be in the at risk category. The dr's at the seton center want me to come back in another two weeks for another u/s and the tech was guessing that I will probably come back every two weeks for the duration of my pregnancy (which is fine w/ me--I will have a whole baby album of ultrasound pics haha!) But she couldnt tell me indefinitely because I will obviously have to talk w/ my midwives to see how they want to approach treating me

Our appointment is on Wed. so I am guessing that is when I will get the official IUGR diagnosis (or not?) and I will find out what they recommend for my care (at my last appointment they hinted that bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy would be the next step....) I will have more details after that! Thanks for all the prayers, I know that they are helping!! Now onto my weekly survey--my last survey for the 2nd trimester! As of today I am officially in my 3rd trimester! Weird!

How far along? 26 weeks

Weight gain? I have been stuffing my face since my last appt 2 weeks ago in hopes of gaining weight for me and the baby. The midwives were hoping to see a little more weight gain from me so we will see on Wed. I feel like I am eating all day long and so much food! In reality its probably a normal amount but I swear that Ive gained like 10lbs in 2 weeks haha

Maternity clothes? Still wearing them. Donnie and I went this weekend to try and find me a comfy pair of boots so I would have something with some traction to wear in the snow (currently I am only wearing clogs which dont bode well in snow) So we went to Boot Country--lets talk about how my feet and ankles were so swollen that I didnt fit into a SINGLE pair of womens boots...not 1...and sadly, not even some mens boots! I guess I didnt realize I was swelling because my clogs are so loose

Sleep? I have been sleeping much better actually, Ive figured out what pillows to use, how to manuever so I dont get all tangled up...I'm still working on curing Donnie's snoring though...

Best moment this week? Glenn family christmas was very fun! I love watching little kiddos open presents and be so excited they cant handle it! Plus it is bittersweet to think that this is our last Christmas for the rest of our lives that is going to be just me and Donnie :-) It was fun thinking of all the fun christmas stuff we will get to do w/ little buddy next year (yes I know he will be less than a year old but it will be exciting nonetheless) Donnie's mom got me an antique classic pooh book (we are doing a classic pooh theme in our nursery for those that didnt know)--it is SO precious and definitely one of my favorite gifts

Food cravings? pizza as always...not too much else

Labor signs? none

Belly Button? innie

What I miss most? I had a pretty content week this week...I still miss smoking as always but whats new with that?!

What I'm looking forward to most? My appt on Wed. to get the final verdict and my 1st baby shower in Sunday! I cant wait to see some of my high school friends and college friends!

Milestones? I cant think of any huge milestones this week, still working on getting Donnie to be able to feel little buddy from the outside but he only kicks hard enough to feel from the outside every now and then so its hard to get Donnie in time to feel it. During my ultrasound the tech was using the wand much higher than I thought the baby was but I guess the baby is big enough now that he isnt just hanging out below my bellybutton. I mean I knew that he was up higher but it became more real when she was like right around my ribs...strange. Little buddy was quite the acrobat during my appointment. though stretching his legs out completely and up toward his face. Kerry joked that he was going to be gymnast and I said a gymnast just like his daddy...but my story about Donnie taking gymnastics is for another post all together haha...

Monday, December 14, 2009

25 weeks & Ultrasound results!

So this is my last evening at 25 weeks and I figured I would wait until after my appointment to update today. So the most important news is my ultrasound results from my last ultrasound. Well the CNM's (certified nurse midwives) are starting to suspect more and more that I have Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Basically IUGR is when the baby is not growing appropriately for its gestational age. From what Ive read there arent specific things that definitively cause IUGR but there are correlations between IUGR and things such as smoking, drug use,etc. Obviously for me these things arent related and actually the CNM said that looking at my chart and at me she wouldnt have guessed that I would be at-risk for IUGR.

But looking at my ultrasound results and doing some research I have found it is common w/ IUGR babies to have a head that is the correct size for gestational age with other body measurements measuring small which is exactly what little buddy has. Basically the midwives said though that it is a really good sign that his head is close to normal size she said that when the head is also measuring behind it is definitely more serious so that is one good thing. I have another ultrasound scheduled for Dec 21st and she said after that ultrasound they will have enough measurements to make a determination if it is actually IUGR or just a small baby. If it is IUGR my next step will be bedrest--I jokingly told her I already do nothing so I dont know how much more restricted my lifestyle can get haha

But back to the serious stuff....I feel like after feeling so confident in previous posts about how I am managing this I will say that after my appointment today I just feel a litte more shaken with this information. I have been praying that this would just be a little baby and not IUGR because there are obviously so many more negative things that result in an IUGR baby (ex: having to be induced, likelihood of pre-eclampsia, bed rest, etc.)

I have really been struggling just tonight with keeping my thoughts focused on the Lord. I know that HE is the Ultimate doctor for my little buddy, I know that HE is the perfect creator and that little buddy is being formed inside me as a perfect child for me and donnie, I know that God will never give me more than I can handle (I praise God for stories like Job, as a friend reminded me, He never gives more than you can handle so apparently he has more faith in me than I have in myself) I know that little buddy is not mine, he is already the Lords and that regardless of how anything turns out--it is God's perfect plan and will and the Lord is justified and merciful in everything he gives me to deal with. I know that God is SO FAITHFUL he has stood by me everytime, and everything has always been okay and I have managed every other time and every circumstance has had its purpose so this time and this circumstance will be no different.

These are the things "I know" now its a matter of literally repeating these over and over again until my sinful heart starts to "get it". I know after talking with a friend that many of these concepts are things I need to start learning now because as soon as little buddy is here these truths come more and more into play (particularly knowing that little buddy is NOT MINE but the Lords!) I am working on staying positive, not letting my fears get ahold of me, trusting in God, and praying. I know that I have a God who has no limits-- anything is possible with him. so I AM praying that at my next ultrasound the Lord will have grown little buddy to a healthy size and that all will be "normal". I am not bashful in asking this because I know that if it is His will, it is totally a possiblity! I just praise God for giving me so much grace--just the right amount to keep me sane and continually turning to Him. HE IS SO GOOD!

So on a more positive note here is my "fun" survey about my 25th week of pregnancy:
How far along? 25 weeks

Weight gain? I am officially up 9lbs from my lowest weight this pregnancy! I am still about 9 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight but I feel good that I am gaining! (never thought I would say my life) It seems I am gaining about 3-4lbs a month which is good--or at least better than nothing!

Maternity clothes? still rockin them! Oh and fun fact, maternity panty hose are much more comfortable than non-maternity pantyhose. I think this may be another maternity item that sneaks into my non-maternity wardrobe after little buddy is here.

Sleep? I have been sleeping a little better. We are still roughing it in our little queen sized bed :-)

Best moment this week? Renewing my vows with my husband-- our church had a church wide vow renewal service to mark the end of a sermon series on mercy in marriage. It was really fun, they had a reception afterward complete with a wedding cake and dancing. It was so much more meaningful to look into my husbands eyes and make these promises knowing how much work goes into it, how hard it is to keep those promises daily. It made me really stop and think about how blessed I am to have such a God-fearing, loving, supportive, husband. He truly is my best friend and I wouldnt want to be sharing my life with anyone else.

Food cravings? pizza...mmm and I really want another piece of wedding cake from that reception...seriously our table was all about some wedding cake it doesnt help that there were two preggo's sitting right next to each other

Labor signs? none thank God!!! I am praying that I dont have any of these for at least another 11 weeks...AT LEAST and that my braxton hicks would go away because they are annoying
Belly button? Innie--as always

What I miss most? bending over w/ ease haha this makes for a funny mental picture when you imagine a pregnant lady w/ a screwy center of balance who cant bend over trying to put on was a risky operation but a success

What I'm looking forward to most? my upcoming baby shower--I have the best friends and family! I am really so lucky to have people around me that are so supportive and loving--I appreciate it more than you all could know!

Milestones? I think Donnie felt the baby for the 1st time. It is still up for debate, he didnt seem very excited but I am thinking it may be becuase his kicks are still so weak that it was such a tiny tap from the outside that Donnie was a little disappointed. But I know once Donnie gets to feel his 1st jab he will be more excited--DONNIE READ BETWEEN THE LINES (I know he reads my blog ha) ACT EXCITED NEXT TIME YOU FEEL THE BABY MOVE! I MEAN, ACT REALLY EXCITED! haha so that is about it. Oh and another fun of today I am exactly 99 days away from my due date! yay for double digits!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

24 weeks

Well now that I am 25 weeks I thought it fitting to do my survey about 24 weeks haha

Just a sidenote: I know my blog is really boring, but honestly there isnt much going on being as I'm not working or in school. I spend my time doing...well not much...I volunteer--that should count for some fun stories...not! I definitely feel at a stand still sometimes because while I have all the free time to be doing things like reading stimulating books and taking up new hobbies I lack the desire to do so by myself. As much as I am a homebody, I hate doing things alone...I want to try and start up a Women's Bible Study of sorts once the new year hits but lets be real--that probably isnt going to happen. As for hobbies, most hobbies for women entail some sort of craftiness--knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, etc. I AM NOT CRAFTY I know that if I tried to do one of those hobbies the whole time I would be thinking " I need to hurry up and finish this scrapbook just so I can be done" (hence over a year later I still havent turned in the layout for our wedding album) or "Thank goodness I am almost done with knitting this scarf!"

I enjoy reading but I really do miss the dialogue that comes with being a student, reading a book or article, even if its boring, and having group discussion about it. Maybe I need a book club? Who knows but I do know one thing--if I dont start doing something intellectual soon that requires even an ounce of brain power--my brain is going to turn to complete mush. Currently its starting the mushing process. Okay enough about my brain mush, on to the boring survey which I am hoping I will enjoy looking back on some day...hopefully

How far along? 24 weeks (completed)

Weight gain? I weighed myself earlier this week and had lost a few lbs but I weighed myself in the morning and I was scantily clad so I honestly could be the same as I was when I weighed myself at the dr's office in the afternoon fully clothed

Maternity clothes? I found my dark denim dressy maternity jeans! yay! I was all pumped to wear them w/ my high heeled boots to a christmas party this past Sat. and I got my boots on (which putting on shoes and socks is becoming more difficult already) and after waiting on Donnie to finish getting ready (the whole 5 minutes that took) my feet were swollen and uncomfortable and I switched back to flats before we left haha

Sleep? I am sleeping a little better since we have invested in a humidifier for our bedroom, breathe-right strips for Donnie and Donnie insulated the attic so our bedroom isnt an icebox. But the size of our bed is getting on my nerves- I have always been a fan of king sized beds but when we were shopping for our new bedroom set a year or so ago Donnie was adament that a queen was fine...well now that I have 75835948 pillows in bed w/ me there isnt any room! Donnie offered to sleep in the guest room, or even to pull the twin size bed into our bedroom so at least we were sleeping in the same room but I dont want to do that--im being stubborn and am going to try to just tough it out w/ him in bed w/ me and our multitude of pillows

Best moment this week? getting my hair cut and colored-- I have been feeling less than desirable and pretty w/ my skin being HORRIBLE and my hair not acting right and I'm trying to grow it back out so I have that struggle of the "awkward phase" every woman knows what I'm talking about... so the amazing Amy Sandfoss came and gave me great new cut and color and some new product and I feel 100% better--Amy, I dont know if you read this, but youre the best!

Food cravings? None really, still struggling on eating in general--honestly I am hoping this lack of appetite continues on past pregnancy so I can get rid of baby weight and then some! But pizza always sounds good--and hamburgers a little bit lately too

Labor signs? Braxton hicks and nothing else, thank God!

Belly button? Innie--as always

What I miss most? pathetic but smoking--It hasnt been very hard for me to quit honestly considering I smoked for oh...8 and a half years...but I just miss its an old friend thats gone away...esp since they had just come out w/ a cigarette that was my perfect style...the Camel crush *sigh* those days are over I just need to stop watching stupid Clint Eastwood movies w/ Donnie that just make me want cigarettes like I'm some kind of fiend

What I'm looking forward to most? Just having little buddy here! After spending more time w/ a newborn who is so precious its disgusting I am having major baby fever and cant wait for little buddy to be here so I can just snuggy his little face!

Milestones? No real milestones this week, still hoping that Donnie will be able to feel his kicks soon. But during my ultrasound he kicked me SO HARD that I swear if I had been looking at my belly and not the screen I would have seen it move. The ultrasound tech saw it as it was happening and we were both like "oh!" It was cute and very surprising...also for anyone that knows how I dance haha the baby moves the same way! His little torso stays still and he doesnt change positions his arms and legs just move around all wiggly like Donnie got a kick out of picturing the baby dancing similar to how I do when its just the two of us at home

Friday, December 4, 2009

2nd ultrasound results

So we had our 2nd...well technically 3rd ultrasound yesterday. The dr's were checking on his size since at our 20 week ultrasound he was small, well this ultrasound (I was 24 weeks 2 days) he was still measuring small in some areas.

His head was the closest to being on track measuring at 23 weeks 4 days, his arms and legs were measuring between 22 weeks 3 days and 22 weeks 6 days but the most concerning was his belly/abdominal measurements which were only measuring at 20 weeks 5 days which is obviously a decent amount behind where I am at gestationally. Thankfully he had gained weight up from 10 oz. at 20 weeks 2 days up to 1 lb. at 24 weeks 2 days (they didnt mention anything about if this was a good or bad amount to have gained within a 4 week time span--but he is gaining nevertheless)

They dont think my due date is off-- and I KNOW there is no way it is off--so the dr. at the Seton center in Good Samaritan Hospital said he is going to recommend to our midwives that we come back again in 3 weeks for another ultrasound to yet again check his growth. The doctor also had the ultrasound tech check my umbilical cord flow to see if there were any problems w/ that and it seemed to be normal which was good. The organs that they could see from the ultrasound all looked normal and healthy which is a blessing as well.

I suppose my only concern now is that being how small is abdominal measurements are that makes me assume his organs in that area are just as proportionally small if that makes any sense...which then makes me think are his organs like his kidneys and stuff able to process things efficiently even though they are smaller than the rest of his body? I may be completely off base with these assumptions but the ultrasound tech wouldnt tell us much so these will be things we will discuss w/ our midwives at my next appointment which is Dec. 14th.

Right now I am just working on trusting in God's sovereignty--this is a perfect situation for me to really trust in Him and His perfect plan for me and little buddy and to trust that regardless of the outcome it will be okay and Donnie and I can manage whatever comes our way through our faith in God. So far I have been pretty proud of myself in this situation because the old Lauren would have been an anxious mess, having panic attacks, etc. which would onl y put more stress on the baby but God has been so good to me and has taught me so much that through prayer and just turning to Him I have really been able to keep my wits about me.

Currently I am working on putting together some memory verses for labor and delivery to have as a way to help me calm down and focus on something constant and true--I really think having God's word in mind will help distract me from what will be going on--it has seemed to work in the past. So far these are the verses that have really stuck out to me:

Psalm 40:1-2, Matthew 6:33-34, Isaiah 40:31, Romans 8:28, Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 18:2,
2 Corinthians 12:8, Isaiah 40:28-31, Jeremiah 29:11, Philipians 4:6

If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

23 weeks and counting

I am actually 24 weeks now but was lazy and busy last week with the holidays and not too much happened this week other than traditional Thanksgiving stuff so I am just going to post my little survey out of once again--laziness.

How far along? 23 weeks
Weight gain? still no idea-- I have stopped weighing next appointment is the 16th so I will find out then...
Maternity Clothes? I am on the lookout for maternity jeans that are dressier--preferably a dark wash with a wider leg and actually long enough to wear with heels maybe? (I'm pretty sure this doesnt exist at least not in my price range which is $0-$30)
Sleep? I miss my ambien is all I am going to say about this
Best moment this week? mmm Thanksgiving dinner that I had been craving and getting to spend time w/ family
Food cravings? Thanksgiving dinner and something sweet and chocolatey
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks daily still but as I said before I dont know if that counts in this category as they arent real contractions per say
Belly button? still innie--I dont think mine will pop which is fine by me since the thought of that happening weirds me out
What I miss most? Hmm a good nights rest w/o tossing and turning, getting up to pee, etc.
What I am looking forward to most? We have our 3rd ultrasound scheduled for Dec. 3rd and we will find out how his growth is going--praying for good results!
Milestones? No real milestones this week, I am feeling little buddy regularly now and he moves ALOT esp when I am on my laptop for some reason, I am waiting for Donnie to be able to feel him from the outside but I think that may be a few more weeks still even though some of his kicks seem pretty strong